Monday, October 08, 2012


 Changing from meat to vegetarian Diet
When one accustomed to a heavy meat diet discontinues its use he feels a sense of weakness and loss of vigour. This is due to the stimulating effect of meat. In time this feeling of weakness will not be felt and normal natural strength will be maintained without the use of meat.
one writer once wrote, "if those who eat meat could see the condition of some of the animals when living they would turn from it with loathing".
Most meats contains at least as much fat as it does protein, which is approximately 20% in each case, pork contains up to 55% fat. This is the reason we see many heavy meat-eaters suffering from arteriosclerosis. Many have a tendency to increase weight.
A balanced diet can be maintained without it's use. Dr. M.G Hardinge, M.D, assistant professor of anatomy, Loma Linda University U.S.A, after extended study of the problem of proper nurition concluded as follows: " A diet composed of foods prepared from the whole grain cereals, from nuts, from a variety of root and leafy vegetables,and from both fresh and cooked fruits will not only have adequate quantities of minerals and vitamins, but will also be found to contain a sufficient quantity of protein of high biologic value to meet all the demands of the individual."
One of my recent post Common foods of high protein value; shows foods which are especially valuable  for their protein content. Meat on the average contains 20% protein but nuts and grams contain more than that and soya beans over twice that amount.


west perth chiropractor said...

Although its not easy to divert from being a meat lover to becoming a vegetarian may be a good decision after all. Taking care of our health is very important nowadays, diseases are just around the corner waiting to strike us.

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