Saturday, August 18, 2012


An ancient sage said, " man does not die : he kills himself". This is true in the case of most people. While it is true that all must die sometime, yet very few live out the natural term of life.
The records of every community contain the names of men who lived to a great age; some of them lived to be over a hundred years old. But it is found in the case of most of these centenarians that they began to care for their health early in life.
Most men and women while young have good health and are strong physically. When warned against doing things that injure the health, they scoff and say, "I am young and strong; it will not hurt me to do this." The God who rules the universe has fixed a law that governs the actions of every man and woman. "Whatsoever a man soweth," He declares, "that shall he also reap." If a man sows wheat, he will get a harvest of wheat. Every young person who forms bad habits of living is sowing the seeds of disease in his body, and it is an absolute certainty that sooner or later will reap ill-health. It is known that sexual excesses and the diseases resulting from dissipation shorten life. Also note that the use of such habit forming drugs as alcohol and tobacco sows the seeds of ill-health and likewise shortens life.
Many who read this article would ask, since i have neglected to carefully guard my heath during the past years, is there any hope that I may have long life? This will depend on how seriously the body has been injured by your carelessness. But there is no one who cannot greatly lengthen the years of his life if he will at once leave off all those habits that injure the health and begin to practise those things that are friendly to our body. There are many instances of men, forty or more years old with diseased bodies, who have reformed their habits and lived to the age of 75 or 80yrs.
Your health matters!


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