Monday, August 20, 2012


When two or more vitamins are found to be deficient in the system of a person, that person is said to be having a condition called avitaminosis. This is brought about in several ways such as:
1. Failure to provide a wide enough variety of foods in daily diet.
2. Destruction of vitamins in cooking by overheating or prolonged boiling in open kettlels.
3. Insufficient exposure of the body to sunshine.
4. Chronic diarrhoea.
5. Regular use of mineral oil.
6. Failure of absorption for unknown reasons.
Hospitalization is necessary in serious cases. Injections may have to be given. Those who are weak may need three or four weeks to recuperate completely. Mild cases show improvement with the taking of vitamins in tablet form. People who cannot afford vitamin tablets can go to the rice mill, get some of the polishings and extract the vitamins that have been removed by milling. This is done by simply pouring one pint of boiling water over one cup of rice polishings. Let it stand for three hours: strain and bring again to cool. Flavour with lemon or orange juice and a little salt. Drink a glass of this daily.
Basically the important thing is to bring variety into the diet. A wide selection of foods should be eaten, including fresh fruit and vegetables. Be sure of unrefined cereals. Eat beans (especially soya beans), peas, grams, and whole-grain cereals. This will ensure not only an adequate supply of vitamins but also of minerals and proteins.
To summarize we might establish four rules helpful in preventing vitamin deficiency.
1. Eat a wide variety of foods. Fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, pulses and milk are foods of choice. Include at least one fresh fruit and one vegetable daily.
2. Use vegetable fats. The ideal ones are safflower, corn or ground-nut oil.
3. Eat whole-grain cereals.
4. Keep the gastro-intenstinal tract free from infection.
5. Avoid extended use of mineral oil.

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