Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Every living things must have food for growth, for energy, food to regulate the body processes, and to replace worn-out tissues.
Except for water and certain minerals the ultimate source of man's  food supply is the plant kingdom. Plants utilize the energy of the sun, the oxygen and carbon dioxide of the air and the water and mineral salts, including nitrogen compounds, from the soil to manufacture the carbohydrate, fats, proteins, and vitamins which serve as foods for man.
Carbohydrates produce heat and energy for the body. They are found in fruits and vegetables but are most abundant in such foods as rice, spaghetti, potatoes, sweets and bread.
Fats also yield heat and energy. Those of animal sources are butter, cream, egg yolk ghee; and of vegetable sources, coconut, olive, groundnut, cotton seed, mustard, soya bean and safflower (Kardi) oils.
Protein yield some energy but their main function is to keep up the continuous body processes of growth and repair of  tissues. Almost all the foods contains some proteins but the greatest sources are lean meats, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, nuts, cereals such as unpolished rice and wheat and the legumes, peas, soya beans, groundnuts and dhal.
Minerals are needed by the body to help maintain the growth and repair of cells. All minerals are essential and are found in abundance in fresh fruits and vegetables. Calcium and phosphorus are found in the body in larger amounts than other minerals. Children and elderly people need twice as much of these two minerals as young adults. If the diet contains eggs, cheese, curd, vegetables, and milk, a sufficient amount of these minerals will be obtained. One must take care that the diet contains sufficient iron. This is found on all green leafy vegetables, in raisins, grapes and in liver, lean meat, egg yolk and in molasses.
Vitamins are essential to the body as food. If one's diet contains plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain cereals, he will gets a sufficient amount of these vitamins.
Water is not a food but it is essential in man's diet in order that his foods may be prepared for assimilation by the body. The amount of water needed by the body depends on one's age, work and climate. One should form the habit of drinking several glasses of water between regular meals.
From these paragraphs one can see that a proper, well-balanced diet may consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, both cooked and raw, and whole grains and nuts.
Such a diet is called a "vegetarian diet." When eggs and milk products are added to the vegetarian diet, it is called "lac to-vegetarian." It is difficult to keep a proper balance between the different food elements if the lac to-vegetarian diet is followed. Milk is a protective food sinse it is well supplied with certain minerals and vitamins as well as being a rich source of protein, fats and carbohydrates.


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