Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The cause of acne(pimple) is not known, but there seems to be a strong hereditary tendency. Acne appears during the adolescent period and leaves in the thirties or late twenties. For some, acne is a serious problem, not only medically but also psychologically, disturbing even the personality. Sometimes these pimples are very deep and leave scars somewhat like those smallpox. Along with acne there are generally a number of blackheads.
Acne is not caused by diet, but certain foods definitely aggravate this condition, especially in some patients. Rich foods such as chocolate, nuts, cola drinks, ice cream, fatty meats, and excessive amounts of sugar, all seem to aggravate this condition. Certain drugs, such as those containing bromides and iodides, may also play a part.
Some girls develop one or two acne(pimples) just before menstruation. These last a day or two and are of no consequence. But when acne continues over months or years, it is distressing, especially to a young woman. If the acne is more than a monthly occurrence, it should be treated.
Keep the skin clean by thorough washing two or three times a day with a good toilet soap. Some slightly abrasive soap will help to eliminate blackheads, but it should be used with care, particularly if the skin is inflamed. Smaller blackheads may be carefully removed after the use of warm moist towels applied to the face for ten or fifteen minutes. This will make the removal of blackheads easier. If pus has formed under the skin, be careful not to open the pimple until it is ready to drain. Squeezing and pinching of the skin may extend the inflammation and delay healing, and may also cause scarring of the face.
Avoid excessive amounts of sugar, and particularly chocolate and nuts. Choose a plain, well-balanced diet containing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink water and fruit juices, but avoid highly sweetened drinks.
Sunshine and exercise are vital. It is good to exercise in the sunshine. Exercise causes the blood to flow freely and helps to build up the general resistance. The run on the skin destroys bacteria, and a little perspiration washes out the pores. Make sure you take a bath after the exercise. Your face should always be kept clean.


Melinda said...

Thanks Chinedu for this article.
Acne is one of the common skin problems people especially women face. It can often times be quite difficult and stubborn to treat but the major key in its treatment is the consistency. What ever the approach is, you will need to be consistent and follow it up patiently to achieve result.

You mentioned quite some important points in acne treatment that are proven to work from regular cleansing to avoiding certain foods.

Name: Melinda
Website: Body Treatment Reviews

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